In my last post, I wrote about my recent encounter with my favorite art museum in Paris: the Musée d’Orsay. As I wandered through the museum, I snapped some photos of the works that really caught my attention so that I could share them with you here on Global Heartbeat. Of course, taking a picture of a picture cannot capture the majesty contained within each piece of art – but perhaps it will inspire you to include this museum on your travel itinerary the next time you are in the French capital. Now, let’s begin our (mini) virtual-tour of the Musée d’Orsay!
James Pradier | Sapho
Rosa Bonheur | Labourage nivernais, “Le Sombrage”
Ernest Hébert | La Lavandera, Jeune lavandière songeuse | Les Cervarolles (États-Romains)
Charles Émile de Tournemine | Eléphants d’Afrique
François Pompon | Ours blanc
Édourd Manet | Olympia
Jean-François Raffaëlli | Notre-Dame de Paris
Edgar Degas | Petite danseuse de quatorze ans | Danseuses bleues
Claude Monet | Chrysanthèmes | Les Bassin aux nymphéas, harmonie rose
Pierre Auguste Renoir | Jeunes files au piano
Paul Cézanne | Montagne Sainte-Victoire | Pommes et oranges
Vincent Van Gogh | Portrait de l’artiste

Bonjour! I hope that you enjoyed my selection of artwork from the Musée d’Orsay! Are you a fan of Impressionism, like me? Do you have a favorite art museum that you think I should visit?
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